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Fully Customized Dental Implants in Waterford, Michigan

Fully Customized Dental Implants in Waterford, Michigan

Dentures, crowns, and bridgeworks may prove inadequate for the effective replacement of badly damaged or missing teeth. Unlike most replacement options, perfect fit dental implants are immobile and unable to shift when brushing or chewing. Marvin Taylor, DDS of Dr. Taylor’s Family Dental Center, offers effective Waterford dental implants specified to meet certain dental needs. The offices are easily accessible, comfortable, and fully equipped to handle your oral health needs.

About Dental Implants

A dental implant is an effective replacement for your tooth down to the root. Implants are made of an artificial crown and durable titanium replacement root.

The dental implant is an alternative for one with poorly fitting/ malfunctioning bridgework, or dentures. Dr. Taylor may also recommend a dental implant if you lack the natural roots required to complete a dental restoration procedure.

Your dentist performs a surgical procedure to insert dental implants directly into the jawbone. At Dr. Taylor’s Family Dental Center, you may need to make several visits to achieve optimal benefits of the procedure. Dental implants are secure and highly durable tooth replacements.

Eligible Candidates for Dental Implants

Missing a set of teeth is an automatic qualification for a dental implant. At Dr. Taylor’s Family Dental Center, a dental implant is a highly recommended tooth replacement option for lost teeth or ones broken beyond repair.

Dental implants are accurately placed to limit shifting, movement, slipping, noise, or damage to your jawbone over time. You should book an initial appointment to determine your eligibility for a dental implant.

Young ones and teenagers are ineligible for dental implants. To qualify for a dental implant, the jawbone has to be fully developed. You may need an adequate amount of jawbone underneath the affected tooth and healthy oral tissues for a firm grip on the artificial tooth. In some cases, you may need a bone graft to strengthen your jawbone for dental implants.

What to Expect

Dr. Taylor performs a series of x-rays and dental exams to confirm your eligibility for a dental implant. The entire treatment procedure is inclusive, comfortable, and fully customized.

On your first visit, Dr. Taylor administers an anesthetic for painless removal of the remaining pieces of the damaged tooth. The next step involves cleaning the socket to prepare it for a dental implant procedure.

Dr. Taylor installs the titanium root into your jawbone to complete the first stage of your treatment. You are discharged to heal at home for a couple of weeks to allow the titanium root to fuse completely into your jawbone. Your dentist fixes a temporary crown to protect your implant in the meantime.

As the jawbone grows around your implant, Dr. Taylor installs a permanent abutment on top to support the permanent crown or artificial tooth.

Other Services Offered at Dr. Taylor’s Family Dental Center

For lost or damaged teeth, you may benefit from advanced dentistry procedures. If you need dental implants in Waterford, Michigan, contact Dr. Taylor’s Family Dental Center to discover your eligibility and book an appointment through the phone or online.

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