How to Make Your Pot Sessions More Fun?

Wanda Rice

You’re probably looking forward to hitting a blunt and unwinding after a hard day at work or running errands. Weed has been shown to have many health benefits, one of which is its ability to help you relax. There are a few things you can do to enhance the experience while smoking your favorite strain, and some of them are mentioned below:

Get Good Quality Strains

The quality of weed you smoke can either make or break your pot session. For a fun time, you want to get a good quality pot. The right quality will give you the high that you need for your session, and you won’t have to deal with adverse side effects. Before purchasing from any pot shop, it is imperative to ascertain that they sell quality strains. Check out what other people are saying about the weed dispensaries before buying anything from any of them. Choose a store that has a good reputation and is known to sell quality weed products. So much so, the more varieties the dispensary has, the better. This means that, in addition to purchasing your preferred variety, you can also experiment with other marijuana products. And who knows, you might discover a new favorite.


You probably have heard about hotboxing by now, but have you ever tried it? If not, you are missing a lot of fun. Hot boxing takes the weed-smoking session a notch higher. You will get to feel every bit of the joint with every puff you take. And that’s not all. The smoke will be dispensed in the closed space, meaning that you will get to feel the whole impact. You can try hotboxing in a closed room where you seal all openings such as windows and doors. You can also hotbox in your car.

Play Some Good Music

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If you want to have a bomb pot session, create a good playlist that you will listen to. Choose some of your favorite music that light up your mood. Nothing beats the experience of smoking your favorite joint while busting a few moves here and there while singing along at the top of your voice.

Invite Some Few Friends

If you have marijuana-smoking buddies, you may want to invite them over to your house. Having a group of friends with whom you can get high is enjoyable. You will get to laugh at silly jokes and dance to some good music while high.

Have Food and Water on Standby

When the hunger pangs and thirst strike, they strike hard. They do not come to play. These effects could ruin your whole experience, especially if you were not prepared. To avoid this, always have some food and a lot of water ready before you start smoking pot.

 Final Words

If you have been looking for ways you can heighten your pot experience, there you have it! Try out the above, and your pot sessions will never be the same again.

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