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Is It an Emergency Dental Situation?

Is It an Emergency Dental Situation?

Oral health problems include emergency and non-emergency cases. Although some people usually ignore their dental issues until it gets worse, some get stressed any time they face a dental problem and think that it is needed to run to a dental clinic as soon as possible. Actually, both are wrong. Any health problem should be assessed by a specialist and treated. However, not every dental issue is considered an emergency case. For instance, feeling toothache is not always an emergency dental issue. According to Luma Dental, 1.5 percent of patients seeking emergency dental treatments are not considered traumatic and emergency dental cases. Having enough information about emergency and non-emergency dental situations can help a lot since you will know what a crucial situation is and what is not.  In this article, we have explained some emergency and non-emergency dental issues.

The first and most important dental issue has toothache. Is it always an emergency case? No. When you feel a sudden toothache that prevents you from sleeping or doing your daily routines, as a way that you cannot tolerate the pain, it is better to visit a dental specialist to help you get rid of the pain and treat it. However, you may face a toothache sometimes just due to special reasons such as eating something too cold or too hot, brushing and flossing too hard or too much or applying pressure on your tooth by doing some abnormal actions such as opening the water bottle with it. In these cases, the pain disappears after a while. They are not emergency cases.

But having terrible pain in your teeth that doesn’t fade after a while is a reference for a severe dental issue. For example, when there is a dental cavity or decay, you will initially feel some minor pain, and then when it progresses, a severe and intolerable toothache will appear. It means: although it is said above that not any toothache is an emergency one, it shouldn’t be ignored when the pain doesn’t stop and continues.

Keep in mind that any minor oral and overall health problem is easier to be addressed and treated. In contrast, when it gets worse, it is more complicated to solve. Do not ignore any health problem and do not postpone going for the treatment.

Bleeding gums is another common dental issue that occupies our minds and makes us worried. Just like toothache, if you observe bleeding gums after brushing or flossing, there may be a problem with your toothbrush or the way of brushing. It is usually suggested to choose a soft-hair toothbrush. Besides, brushing too much or even too hard doesn’t mean good oral hygiene. Conversely, it will seriously harm your teeth and gums. About flossing, the rule is the same. If you do not know the proper way of flossing and brushing, make an appointment with your dentist. He will teach you.

But, if you repeatedly observe bleeding gums, it is an emergency dental issue, and you should visit an emergency dentist in a flash. Otherwise, it will lead to severe gum disease and may even lead to oral surgery.

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