7 Things to Avoid If You Are Feeling Under the Weather

Wanda Rice

Depression and anxiety are the two most common things that we all go through from time to time. Depression is the leading cause of disability worldwide in the USA; around 10% of the population has depression. There is a difference between depression and being depressed. Clinical depression is a genuine and severe mental health issue, but it is difficult to explain this illness compared to heart disease or diabetes.

Last year, 2020, has been a tough year for everyone, and it has brought a halt to the never-ending hustle and bustle of our daily routine. This, however, has contributed to even more mental pressure and stress for some people.

Moreover, the worldwide lockdown caused frustration and economic instability. During this challenging time, many people fell prey to their thoughts, and being stuck at home never gets things rolling. If you have been low and you feel like you can’t get anything done. Do not worry because we have got some tips that can help you get back on track, and hopefully, you will find some positive vibes. Here are a few things that you should avoid if you are feeling under the weather.

Social Media

Limit your Screen Time, folks! I know we are all addicted to our social media, and we have this constant fear of missing out on essential things. Still, numerous studies and researches that point out that using too many social media websites may lead to depression. In a study conducted in 2017 by Clinical Psychological Science, the number of teenagers suffering from depression increased by 33% between 2010 and 2015. The smartphones were introduced in 2005, and by 2010, everyone had their cell phone, and during this time, the number of depression cases has skyrocketed. I am not saying that smartphones are altogether evil, but then we need to take a step back from our screens and spend some time on more straightforward outdoor tasks.

Junk Food

Our body needs proper nutrients to perform daily tasks, and this need can only be fulfilled by eating good and wholesome foods. Refined and processed foods have an appeal and can satisfy our hunger, but they cannot balance our body’s chemical levels. To battle depression and anxiety, nutrients like selenium, vitamin D, Omega-3 fatty acids, and antioxidants play a significant role, and all these nutrients are found in natural and organic food.

Things like fruits, dry fruits, seafood, and whole grains are beneficial. A 2012 study published in the Indian Journal of Psychiatry shows that consuming vitamins rich in antioxidants can lower anxiety symptoms in people with generalized anxiety disorders.

Avoid Toxic People

Some people are outright bullies, and then some subtly put us down by saying mean things to us. These people can shatter our confidence and lower our self-esteem, and unfortunately, we have all had been in contact with such people. It’s high time that we make a pact with ourselves to get rid of such toxic people and enjoy our lives without criticism.

Maintain a Healthy Weight

Obesity can cause many health issues, and it can also make us self-conscious, resulting in low self-esteem. According to the centers for disease control and prevention, there is a direct relationship between obesity and depression. Around 43% of the adults are obese and suffer from anxiety and depression.

Doing regular exercise can boost energy levels, and it will sort your weight problems as well. Moreover, when we exercise, our body releases endorphins, commonly referred to as feel-good chemicals. It also produces a protein called the neurotrophic or growth factors; these proteins improve our brain cells by promoting nerve cells’ growth.

Alcohol and Drugs

Alcohol and drugs are the worst things that a depressed person can turn to for relief. These things are addictive and can provide momentary relief to the person, but they make their lives worse. Alcohol dependence can cause some severe health issues, and if you are on some antidepressants, the alcohol usage may sabotage the medication also.

Dependence on alcohol or other drugs can make you lose your temperament, and you can get stuck in the feeling of being worthless, and this vicious circle will only make your depression worse. Make sure you treat yourself with alcohol and drug treatment if consumption is the cause of your low feelings.

Avoid Being in Socially Awkward Places.

There are some situations and event which can trigger our anxiety and depression. If we pay attention to what makes us anxious and causes us stress, we can plan to avoid those situations.

Avoid Staying up Late.

Getting quality sleep is crucial for mental and physical health. During sleep, our body balances and regulates our internal systems and helps in our brain cells’ growth. The researches show that people with insomnia are at a greater risk of getting depressed and feeling low. A good night’s sleep is the most important process that our needs and it also improves our memory. 7 to 9 hours of sleep is mainly recommended by scientists. So the phrase “sleep on it” should now be your go-to mantra if you feel low. However, try to sleep early and rise early.


Mental health is essential, and we should pay attention to the things that make us uncomfortable and try to get rid of them ASAP. Adopting a healthy lifestyle should is the best way to fight anxiety and depression. It can increase our confidence and achieve small goals regularly to help gain that self-assurance and trust. Consequently, you will get rid of the feeling worthless. We should always try to focus on the bright side and avoid stressing about the situations that are out of our control.

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