How Water Helps Us to Stay Healthy and Combat Illness

Wanda Rice

Our bodies need water to remain healthy and comfortable. Even so, fluids are lost all the time, through breathing, urinating and sweating. When you don’t drink enough to replace the water that is lost, your system will struggle to function effectively and maintain a healthy temperature. From our organs to our joints and cells, every part of our body relies on water to work properly. In various ways, this natural fluid helps us to feel good, recover from illness and fight off infection.

Water Boosts Concentration

Our brains are 75% water, so it’s not surprising that as dehydration takes hold, we can suffer from headaches or migraines and have trouble concentrating. Drinking water regularly keeps the brain at an optimal temperature and allows it to expel toxins. The additional oxygenation provided by water can also increase blood flow to the brain, this makes it easier for us to stay focused and may also balance our mood.

Water Protects Joints and Helps Builds Muscle

We all want to move around pain-free for as many years as possible and water can help with that. It works to keep joints lubricated by supporting the production of synovial fluid. This substance works to reduce friction between the joints, it keeps them lubricated, cushions the surrounding area and stops your bones from rubbing against each other. Furthermore, optimal hydration provides additional protection for the joints and can make it easier to boost muscle mass. Water is great for muscle building because muscles are 79% water and the body uses fluids to form protein inside the muscle. Conversely, when we lack water our muscle tone is reduced because it is harder for the muscle to contract fully.

Water Aids the Removal of Waste 

One of the simplest ways to promote excellent gut health is to drink plenty of water. Once inside your intestines, water supports the mucosal lining and helps to balance bacterial levels. A healthy gut can excrete waste with minimal effort, lowering your chance of experiencing stomach pain or nausea. Furthermore, when we are properly hydrated, nutrients and blood can travel freely around our body before being filtered by the kidneys.

Water Allows Our Bodies to Fully Digest Nutrients

Water aids in the process of digestion by making food easier to break down. As the nutrients contained in what you eat become easier to absorb, they are of maximum benefit to your body. Once food moves from your stomach to the intestines, the nutrients it contains are absorbed into the bloodstream along with fluids. Water also aids in the digestion of soluble fiber, this plant-derived food softens stools and encourages regular bowel movements.

Water for A Healthy Heart

Your heart pumps around 2,000 gallons of blood every day and water plays a critical role in the health of your entire cardiovascular system. Dehydration decreases the volume of blood circulating around your body. This means your heart must compensate by pumping faster which, in turn, raises your blood pressure and heart rate. A lack of fluids can also cause your blood to retain sodium and become thicker. For the heart to pump freely and oxygenate your muscles well, it needs a regular supply of water.

Water Can Help with Weight Loss

When we drink lots of water, it creates a feeling of fullness in the stomach. As these signals are relayed to the brain, we feel less hungry and are less likely to eat. Water naturally suppresses cravings and pangs, simply because it takes up space. Moreover, it’s often the case that we feel hungry when we are thirsty. If you’ve recently eaten but still feel hungry, sipping a glass of water before going for a snack could be the answer. The best online doctors can advise on healthy eating and help you maintain a balanced diet. Find out more and locate the right service for you at Relief Seeker, their website has a list of providers for you to consider, all of which have been comprehensively reviewed.

How Much Water Is Enough?

Your fluid intake is drawn from the fruits and vegetables you eat, as well as the sodas, coffees and glasses of plain water you drink. Of all these, plain water is the most effective at keeping you hydrated. The ideal daily amount of water to consume will vary from person to person based on their level of activity, as well as their age and health. However, in general, drinking around six to eight cups of water per day, or 1.5-2 liters is recommended.

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