What You Should Know About Dentures

Wanda Rice

Dentures are force teeth used to replace missing teeth and surrounding tissues. If you lose some of your teeth or all of them due to tooth decay, gum disease, replacing teeth using dentures can improve your health and appearance. This is because dentures make it easier to speak and eat better than when you had no teeth. You should consider all the benefits and seek treatment from a  Bronx, NY dentist and create the smile of your dreams.

Types of Dentures

Complete or full Dentures

Complete dentures can be immediate or conventional. They are made after teeth removal, and the gum tissue has begun healing. A conventional denture is ready for placement within 9 to 12 weeks after the teeth are removed. Immediate dentures are made in advance and can be replaced immediately after the teeth are removed. Therefore, you will have teeth during the healing period, but gums and bones shrink over time, leading to tooth removal.

Partial Dentures

Partial dentures are artificial and removable teeth for people with missing teeth and consist of a denture base that matches the teeth and gum appearance. Making a partial denture needs about five and seven weeks, but this can vary from one case to another. It depends on the type of denture and procedure the dentist used.

The first procedure of creating a denture is the formation of teeth, at this stage, a dentist can form the teeth supported by a partial denture. In the second stage, a dentist takes the exact impression of the mouth’s lower and upper arches.

Cantilever Dentures

The cantilever denture, also known as a partial fixed denture, is an excellent option for filling the missing tooth gap. The artificial tooth in a partially fixed bridge requires the help of adjacent teeth to stay still. Unlike conventional bridges, a cantilever bridge attaches with the teeth on only one part of the area.

Cantilever dentures come with many benefits because they replace teeth for chewing and eating, help in clear conversation, and prevent teeth from falling.

Implant-supported Dentures

Implant-supported dentures are the most outstanding choice if all your teeth are missing. Healthwise, a denture can be placed over an implant. With the aid of an implant, dentures are secured in the mouth and removed when necessary. This procedure requires a few appointments and for a couple of months.

This treatment only begins when you are ready and comfortable. While placing the implants, holes are made in your gums. After placing an implant, it’s allowed to heal and last for a few months. At this stage, you can wear a temporary denture. A permanent denture is made in your next appointment by taking bites and impressions where the exact model is created. This model is used to make a perfect denture that fits the implant.

Today’s dentures look more like natural teeth. They not only restore your bite, speech, and appearance, they also help you regain confidence lost by tooth decay or missing teeth. If you have severely damaged teeth, dentures can allow you to acquire the bright, attractive, healthy smile you desire. Book an appointment with Dr. Nishita Gandhi, DDS, today for this and more services.

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