Important Facts About Nerve Block

Wanda Rice

Nerve block is a form of using anesthesia to control or prevent pain. It can be a surgical or non-surgical procedure. With surgical nerve blocks, specific nerves are destroyed to ensure that they cannot send out signals to the central nervous system. For nonsurgical nerve blocks, your doctor will inject […]

Myths and Misconceptions about Pelvic Pain

Wanda Rice

Because of the complex nature of pelvic pain, there are many myths and misconceptions arising over the last couple of years. The worst part is that all these untrue facts surround a condition that affects approximately 200 million women worldwide. There’s a lot about this condition that is not understandable, […]

Why You Should Have a Family Doctor

Wanda Rice

If you were to be asked which class of doctors schedule the most office visits, you would probably say gynecologists, obstetricians, or pediatricians. Unfortunately, your answer would be wrong.  It is estimated that 1 in every 4 office visits in the US are made to family doctors. This highlights the […]

What to Know about Diabetes

Wanda Rice

Diabetes is a severe condition, more so when left untreated. You will need a good doctor to measure your blood sugar before getting a diabetes diagnosis. Doctor Kaplan Desai offers a wide range of approaches to keep your blood sugar in check to prevent further life-threatening complications. Integrated Family Medical […]

When to Consider Personalized Vitamins

Wanda Rice

Over the years, more and more people have become health conscious around the United States. Health consciousness is a good thing. It turns out the old adage “You are what you eat” is a lot closer to the truth than many people realize. What we take into our bodies inevitably […]

Prp Treatment

Wanda Rice

What is PRP treatment? PRP is often known as platelet-rich plasma treatment means “taken out the platelet-rich plasma from your blood.” It is basically the extraction of plasma from your blood and injecting somewhere else to increase the functioning of that particular area and the growth of tissues. In the […]

We Are By Nature

Wanda Rice

Nature has provided humanity with the slightest of its requirements. Sustainability and balance achieved by the most intelligent creature on the planet, the human, has only been achieved with the support of mother earth. She looks after the tiniest of needs and caters the massive requirements too. With diversity sprinkling […]